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Timesheet validation

Notify users of being over or under target hours before they submit their timesheet

Nina Janza avatar
Written by Nina Janza
Updated over 3 weeks ago

If you turn on the timesheet validation, all users will receive a warning when trying to submit their timesheet with errors (entered hours being under or over target hours). Errors in their timesheet will not prevent them from submitting their timesheet anyway.

How to set it up

  1. To use the timesheet validation feature, you need to first set the Approval workflow to 'Submit for approval' in Settings > Account settings > Approvals:

2. Next, go to Settings > Account settings > Target Hours & Reminders. Enter the target hours first and then switch on the timesheet validation:

You can set the validation for each day individually or on a weekly basis, when a user is under or over the target. If target hours are set at 8 hours per day, this means that daily validation will check that each day has exactly 8 hours entered, and weekly validation will just check that there is a total of 40 hours entered in a 5-day work week.
If you set just the 'Under target' validation, the app will only show a warning when users enter fewer hours than the target. If you set just the 'Over target' validation, the app will show a warning when users enter more hours than the target. If you set both, the app will show a warning every time the entered hours don't exactly match the target hours.

Examples of warning messages

Daily validation

  • Under target:

  • Over target:

  • Under target + Over target:

Weekly validation

  • Under target:

  • Over target:

Email notifications about submitted timesheets

When a timesheet is submitted with errors, Administrators and Team Managers will be notified about this in an email.

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