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Labor rates
Janez Gorše avatar
Written by Janez Gorše
Updated over a year ago

The Labor rate is the rate by which your team members are getting paid and will be used to calculate their paychecks (i.e. Labor costs). ​The Balance (profitability) of each project is calculated as the difference between the total billable amount and total costs (total costs are the sum of the labor costs plus non-billable expenses).

The default labor rate

To enter a default labor rate for a user, please go to Users > Users and open their profile. There you will be able to enter the labor rate which will be used as a default on all assigned projects.

Project-specific labor rates

If a user receives different compensation on different projects, you can override the default labor rate project by project. You can enter a different labor rate for each of the projects they will be working on.

To enter a custom labor rate, please go to the Projects tab and open a project. Then go to the 'Members' tab of the project overview to update the rate:

You can choose for this labor rate change to be applied to the new logs only, to the new & existing logs, or to logs created from a certain date forward. If you wish to update all recorded logs, please choose to apply the change to new & existing logs.

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