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Dashboard report

A general overview of the totals and profitability.

Nina Janza avatar
Written by Nina Janza
Updated over 5 months ago

The Dashboard report displays the totals and will give you a general overview of how the time is being spent and which clients and projects are the most and the least profitable. Use this report when you are not interested in details of specific time logs, but rather in the big picture (total time, billable time, billable amount, balance, etc.).

​Let's check how to configure this report.

  1. Select any date range you need. You can choose from preset periods or set a custom start and end date from the calendar:

2. Use filters to further narrow down your results to a specific project, client, or user:

3. Set which columns to display in your report:

4. Select how you wish to group the report, by Clients & Projects, or by Projects & Tasks:

5. Show or hide the Activity chart.

The Activity chart shows how many total and billable hours were logged on a given day, week, or month. Here you can quickly spot any irregularities and see which days are the busiest. The "Average hours per day" dashed line shows how many hours are on average spent on days that have 1 or more time logs.

6. Check the Distribution of the hours and/or billable amounts. The section will include the columns that you previously selected.

If you click on any of the ‘Detailed report’ links in the grid, the link will take you to the Detailed report, prefiltered for the specific client/project/task and the selected date range. This way you can dig into more details quickly if needed.

7. Sort the report by different columns.

By clicking on the column name you can sort the grid ascending or descending by the values in the column:

The former Team section

The Team section was removed from this view. To check which users were below or above the target hours, or to see which users haven't logged any time, please go to the new Approvals tab. In this tab, you can sort the list of users by the 'Submitted hours' column to get the information you need.

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