Team pivot report

How time and resources were distributed across multiple parameters.

Nina Janza avatar
Written by Nina Janza
Updated over a week ago

Besides viewing totals for the selected period, the Team pivot report will allow you to view how the time of each team member and other resources were distributed across clients, projects, and tasks. For example, you can choose to view:

  • How much time they spent on each client and the corresponding projects

  • How much time they spent on each project and the corresponding tasks

  • Or, how much time they spent on each specific task across all projects

This report will also show you the balance between the total costs and billable amounts for each team member across clients/projects/tasks that they were working on.

You are able to set any date range for the report, select which columns to display and filter the report by Client, Project Task, or Team member.

Use the Download button to get the XLS report or export a Pivot Excel spreadsheet.

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