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Set the billable and labor RATES
Update member's current rates with the new rates
Update member's current rates with the new rates
Janez Mišič avatar
Written by Janez Mišič
Updated over a week ago

If you go to Team > Team members and select one of your members, you will be able to update their labor rate and/or their billable rate to a new value.

Update the default labor rate

The hourly rate that you input here, is used as a default rate to calculate labor costs for the Economy report and represents a member's paycheck.

If you don't select the option to 'Update team member's labor rate on all assigned projects', the rate will only be updated for the new projects and the currently assigned projects will keep the previous rate.

You can choose for this hourly rate change to be applied to the new logs only, to the new & existing logs, or to logs created from a certain date forward. If you wish to update all recorded logs, please choose to apply the change to new & existing logs.

Update the default billable rate

Team members' billable rate is the rate by which you bill your clients for members’ work on projects. This rate will be used to calculate the billable amount on all projects that are set up by the member-based billable method.

On team members' profiles you will be able to update their default billable rate:

If you don't select the option to 'Update team member's billable rate on all assigned projects', the rate will only be updated for the new projects and the currently assigned projects will keep the previous rate.

Again, you can choose for this billable rate change to be applied to the new logs only, to the new & existing logs, or to logs created from a certain date forward. If you wish to update all recorded logs, please choose to apply the change to new & existing logs.

Set s specific billable or labor rate on individual projects

If a team member receives different compensation on different projects and/or you bill their time at a different rate on different projects, you can override the default labor and billable rates on each individual project.

You can enter custom project rates on the 'Project members' page of the project overview:

*** To get to this tab, click the 'Manage members and rates' link in the upper right corner of the project overview.

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