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4. Approve logs in bulk
Nina Janza avatar
Written by Nina Janza
Updated over a week ago

When it comes to approving hours, you have two options:

  • to review and approve in bulk in the Approvals view without checking time log details

  • to review and approve individual entries in the Detailed view (here's how)

In this article, you will find instructions on how to use the Approvals view to approve logs in bulk.

  1. Select the date range for which you want to review the logs. You can choose from preset periods or set a custom start and end date from the calendar:

The logs will be displayed for the selected date range only, and you will be able to approve or reject the pending logs only for the selected period. The pending logs outside the selected date range will not be approved or rejected.

2. Use the 'Users' filter to further narrow down your results to specific users:

The logs will then be displayed for the selected Users only, and you will be able to approve or reject the pending logs only for those users. The pending logs outside the selected filtering will not be approved or rejected.

3. Here's how you can approve the pending logs for a specific member:

If you wish to view more details before approving the logs, you can access the Detailed report here:

4. You can also bulk approve or reject logs for several members at once. Please select all members for whom you wish to approve the logs and use the 'Approve Pending' or 'Reject Pending' buttons:

5. You can sort the displayed data by any column by clicking on the column name:

6. The 'Pending' column will show you the total of logs entered on Projects that require approval or by Users whose logs require approval. The previously shown bulk actions will approve or reject the pending logs only.
The logs entered on Projects that do not require approval or by Users whose logs do not require approval will be shown in the 'Unsupervised' column. The logs listed in the 'Unsupervised' column do not need to be approved to be included in the reports. Such logs will not be approved by previously shown bulk actions.

However, you can still approve or reject the unsupervised entries if you wish. Approving them will lock them from further editing by users who entered them. Here's how to approve or reject unsupervised logs:

7. The data from this view can also be downloaded as an Excel report:

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