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Manage your TEAM
Use Teams to organize your departments
Use Teams to organize your departments

Filter your reports by different teams and fine-tune Managers' access.

Nina Janza avatar
Written by Nina Janza
Updated over a week ago

For easier management and a better overview, you can organize your team members into different teams. Please go to the Teams tab to arrange this.

View reports by Team

After creating Teams you will be able to filter all of your reports by Team instead of just by Team member:

And also organize the Team section of your Dashboard by Team:

Limit the access of Managers to their Team only

When assigning roles to your members, you will be able to select that the Manager is only able to view the time logs for members of their team/teams:

This way you can limit their access to the time logs of members that are working on the same project but are not on the same team as the Manager.

Approving time logs by Teams

If you are using the approval workflow, assigning members to Teams will also be very useful. In this case, the managers with permission to approve logs will get email notifications only when time logs from their team are submitted for approval (only for manual submissions).

When setting up permissions for the Manager, select 'Can view time logs of assigned teams only' to achieve this (see the screenshot above).

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