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3/4 Get your reports

Here's which types of reports are available to you.

Miha Stanovnik avatar
Written by Miha Stanovnik
Updated over 10 months ago

My Hours offers different types of reports. First, let us give you a short introduction to the usability of each one.

Dashboard (more details)

The Dashboard will give you a great general overview of how the time of your team is being spent and provide sums and breakdowns by clients, projects, and tasks. This is the report that you can check in 5 min and get all the important information at once, on your projects and your team members.

Detailed (more details)

The Detailed report is the most comprehensive one. It will show you all recorded information, all the way down to log descriptions and the start and end times of each log. The level of detail and the columns included in the report are fully customizable. You will be able to save different types of reports to quickly retrieve data, and schedule for these reports to be sent periodically to administrators, managers, or clients.

Timesheet (more details)

The Timesheet report will give you a weekly overview of how your team is spending their time. You will see the total recorded hours in a week for each team member and how the resources were distributed across clients, projects, and tasks.

โ€‹To get to a more detailed article on how to use and configure specific reports, just click on 'more details' in the section title. Each of the reports offers rich filtering functionalities and summing the recorded time by different entities.

If you are a solo user, you are now good to go! You are very welcome to use the chat and send us any questions, or browse our Help Center further! If you will be working in a team, please check the last article as well.

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