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Set up your users and teams
Set up your users and teams

Add users, set their rates and assign them to projects.

Janez Gorše avatar
Written by Janez Gorše
Updated over a month ago

To invite other team members to join your company account, please go to the Users tab. When you add your colleagues, they will receive an invitation email, set their password, and be able to log in. If the invitation link expires before they manage to do this, you can resend it.

Here you will find a Quick Start Guide for your team members. Send them the link so they get familiar with My Hours and can start tracking right away.

User roles

You can assign different levels of privileges to your users. This will affect which actions they will be able to perform in the account.

Set the labor rate and the billable rate

The billable rate is the rate by which you charge your clients for an hour of work (used to calculate the billable amount for the invoice).

The labor rate is the rate by which your team members are getting paid (used to calculate the labor cost/their paycheck).

Depending on your needs, you can set both rates or you can use just one of them independently from the other. For example, if you pay the user $15.00 per hour and charge your client $25.00 for an hour of their work, you should input $15.00 as the labor rate on their profile, and $25.00 as a billable rate.

The rates you set on their profile will be used as a default, and you can override them with custom rates on specific projects.

Assign users to different Teams

For easier management and a better overview, you can organize your team members into different teams.

Assign users to projects

Don’t forget to assign users to projects they will be working on, otherwise, they will not be able to track time on projects. You can assign or remove them from projects here:

Approval workflow

If you wish to review the time logs submitted by your team before including them in the reports and billing, you can use the approval workflow. This setting is turned on by default for PRO accounts with at least 6 users. Learn more about approval workflow here >>>

Edit users in bulk

If you need to change the rates, the role, or the approval setting for several users at once, you can select the users on the list and make edits in bulk. It is also possible to archive more accounts at once.

Set target hours and tracking reminders

The tracking reminders can be set on a daily and weekly basis, in case users forget to enter their time or to remind them of their target hours.

Add or edit logs on behalf of other users

Please go to the Detailed view to add new logs for other users or to make edits to the existing logs:

Archive users

In case a user leaves your company or just stops tracking their time for a while, we suggest archiving their profile instead of deleting it. This way their data will remain in your reports and you will not be charged for their subscription any longer. If needed, you will be able to restore their account.

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